About Roxy
My Philosophy
Strive to do the best you can. Because if you do your best, someone along the way will do the same for you. Respect that every person you meet is unique. Acknowledge your origin and diversity. It's what makes you who you are.
My Mission
Wellness changes lives. Inspiring and empowering others to embrace and live into their own wellness is a powerful way to make the world a better place.
My Health Journey
I was a single mom for 12 years, with an active son in sports, I had learn the hard way—in how to prevent and nurture my son’s wellness and growth.
I was working in a fast-paced corporate environment, dealing with high levels of stress, trying to heal from six car accidents while struggling with severe endometriosis that ultimately resulted in a number of very difficult surgeries. In spite of all the medications the doctors prescribed, I was in constant pain and struggled with nausea and inflammation for years.
I struggled with complications from the surgical procedures that ultimately affected and deteriorated my left kidney function to 29%, where it can significantly collapse. I underwent more treatments including difficult renal treatments to help stabilize my kidneys.
The surgery to save my kidneys was very hard on my body. My ureter was cut, shortened to take out the blockage and was re-connected to my bladder in 1999. In 2000, due to a severe allergic reaction to tuna sushi followed by poison oak dermatitis, the doctors did more testing.
My test results were a "false positive" for the chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease, Lupus. This means the combinations of my physical symptoms combined with my genetic predisposition for Lupus and current stressful lifestyle, I was at high risk for Lupus unless I made drastic changes immediately. I was also struggling with Scourges disease, Thyroid cancer, fatigue and threats of daily severe allergic reactions for six months.
All of the many doctors, specialists and emergency room visits only resulted in more questions and no answers while my condition worsened.
My world stopped.
I was highly sensitive to all temperatures and light and had severe acid reflux. My doctors had me on medications for my many symptoms–for sleep, for pain, for depression, for acid-reflux, for muscle spasms. Then my doctors prescribed different medications to try and help with my symptoms, and then they'd prescribe other medications to deal with the side-effects from the original medications.
Meanwhile, I could barely drink water because it tasted awful, my hair was falling out at an alarming rate, I'd experience severe trembling every few minutes, and I was constantly hungry. I even had to wake up several times a night just to have a little bite of food to eat.
Even though I was hungry, my gut just was not able to digest my food properly. It made it very difficult to even swallow my food, even though I always felt hungry.
One day my wonderful new husband wrapped me in a comforter and drove me to Oregon in search of answers. We met with Dr. Richard Brouse at Sunnyside Health Center.
Dr. Brouse ran a number of tests including blood work, hair toxicity tests, pH alkaline tests, stool tests, an EKG, a thorough diet analysis, bone density testing and more. The results of the tests showed I was dealing with high toxicity levels of mercury and other heavy metals, fibromyalgia, post-menopause syndrome and anxiety.
I was also dealing with severe malnutrition as a side-effect from such high levels of toxicity in my bowels from fungi and streptococci that I was not able to absorb nutrients into my blood. This was causing my white blood cell count to decrease. All this was putting me at risk for heart attack, diabetes, and other illnesses.
I began working on 4 stages of recovery with Dr. Brouse treatment and program called “Build a Better You,” which focuses on detoxification, re-arranging life priorities, learning to say no, improving my diet with intensive supplements (both Shaklee and non-Shaklee supplements)
I worked very hard for several years under Dr. Brouse's program. It was hard. But it was also life-changing.
Dr. Brouse introduced me to colonics and how detoxification is vital to keep longevity, vitality and wellbeing! I healed and became a life-long student of his school and his practices.
I quit the corporate life and focused on health and wellness. Every day, weeks, months and years that followed to the present is a learning process. I am now 64 years old, have my wellness center north of Seattle, WA. The things I learned and experienced from my illness, I am now sharing with my clients and patients. I am still struggling periodically with Fibromyalgia and Hypothyroid, but no meds! I have my Shaklee Health Cabinet and eating healthy, trying to avoid gluten, doing cleansing as I need to.
My son is now 37 years and still talking Shaklee. He is very active in snow-boarding, ice-hockey, surfing, roller-blading and golf.
I take a lot of comfort in knowing that I was able to instill in my son a lifelong dedication to wellness. He lives far away from me now, but the quality Shaklee products I've grown to trust and rely on are a daily part of my son's life for both prevention and to maintain general well-being.
I thank God for Shaklee all these 26+ years! It's reassuring to know that there is a company so dedicated to innovation, science and integrity in delivering unique and state-of-the-art products and nutrition for myself, my family, my home and now my clients.
If you want to know more about Shaklee, please visit my Online Shaklee store.
My New Wellness Center/ MNWC
16408 3rd Avenue Southeast
Bothell, Washington 98012
United States
Colonic Sessions
Monday thru Friday
8:00am - 8:00pm
Pain and Injury Treatments
Auto & Labor & Industry Claims
Monday thru Friday
2:00pm - 8:00pm
Massage/Manual/Aroma Therapies (Anti-Stress, Pain, Cranio-Sacral, Visceral Manipulation)
2:00pm - 8:00pm
Consultations -- Nutrition/Detox & Cleanse/ Anti-Aging/ Optimal Wellness
10:00am - 8:00pm
Other appointments
Shaklee questions, Health questions, Clinic Site Visit
Based on availability
Education, Experience, and Training
Consumer of Shaklee products since 1988 and a Shaklee distributor in 2000.
Roxanne has been in the nutrition industry as a consumer, student, coach, lecturer and a speaker advocate on wellness for over 26 years.
Owner of My New Wellness and Cleansing Center/ MNW-CC in Bothell-Mil Creek, WA.
Specializing in:
Massage/Manual Therapies and Treatments for Pain and Injury
Cleanse and Detox Programs
Shaklee Cleanse Program
Fresh Start 7-Day Life-Changing Program by Dr. Nedra Sahr
Therapies and Treatments in pain and injury, post- surgery, anti-stress. I combine different and customized modalities in Massage, Aromatherapy, Myofascial Release, Cranio-Sacral, Visceral Manipulation Therapies and Treatments.
Roxanne's Education & Training
Studied in Ashmead College as Licensed Massage Practitioner & Spa and Aroma Therapist- Certified- NCTMB Certified to practice in 49 states.
Studied under Upledger Institute on Cranio-Sacral Therapies, Oral Massage, Unwinding Meridians, Somato-Emotional Release—Certified.
Studied under Barral Institute on Visceral Manipulation Therapies (Abdomen/Pelvic/Thorax and more)—Certified.
Studied on Zero Balancing and MyoKinesthetics as continuing-eds --Certified.
Studied under Health Education Corporation and Northwest Academy of Practical Nutrition. This s a clinic school founded by Dr. Richard Brouse – biochemist, chiropractor and nutritionist, author of educational and research materials in health topics since 1980. He practices in Oregon at the Sunnyside Health Center and Chiropractic Clinic, PC for over 40 years. The “Build a Better You” (BBY)- a wellness program in his clinic has restored my health and won against my cancer scare in 2001- 2003. BBY and other programs in his clinic helped and changed lives of many in the US and other countries. “ I was a patient first and then became his student where he has saved and changed my life as well to wellness! ---Roxanne C. ”
Studied with Mind and Body Inc. –manufacturer of LIBBE (open system) Colonic medical equipment as (CT) Colon Therapist—certified by (I-ACT) International Association of Colon Therapist.